Acne and Acne Scar Treatment

Acne is a common problem that affects the sebaceous glands located at the base of hair follicles. Acne commonly appears during puberty, it is not a serious or permanent disorder but can lead to scarring. Acne scars are red or brown marks left on the skin after the pimple/acne lesion has healed. It most commonly appears in teenagers, but many adults can also suffer from this problem. Acne scars can be better appreciated if we track the development of acne.

Development of acne

In teenagers, acne is the result of hormonal changes associated with puberty. Affected areas typically include the face, shoulder, neck, chest, and upper back. Acne is formed when sebaceous glands under the skin secrete excess oil, which clogs skin pores with dead skin cells. Bacteria get trapped inside and multiply, leading to redness and swelling. This is the beginning of acne. The causes of acne can also be hereditary. So, if anyone in your family has a history of acne, you are more likely to get it.

 Depending on the severity of acne, acne can be classified into different forms:

Mild acne: usually appears in the form of whiteheads or blackheads

Moderate acne: red, white-centered pimples called pustules and red, inflamed pimples called papules

Severe acne: Painful pus-filled cysts, commonly referred to as nodules

Acne scars usually fade over time without the need for any form of treatment, but pressing or squeezing the acne can increase the risk of scarring. Scars left by mild and moderate acne are not permanent and heal over time. However, severe acne scarring can become permanent, requiring immediate attention from a dermatologist. Scars can be of the following forms:

  • Progressive depression (rolling scars)
  • Deep and narrow (ice pick)
  • Borderline depression (boxcar)
  • Thick and inflamed (enlarged or colloidal)
  • Dark pigmentation (not true scarring, heals slowly without treatment)
  • Pink or red areas (not true scars; heal slowly without treatment)


The method used to treat an acne problem plays an important role in minimizing scar formation and also managing it. Several dermatological procedures help minimize scars and are recommended by your doctor based on the severity of the scars.

Some of the treatment procedures that your doctor may choose include:

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